Thursday, July 29, 2010

Who Knew Circles Could Have Such Risks?

At what expense will young girls take for the sake of being beautiful and in style? This question formed in my mind as I was watching ABC News. A story appeared about the current trend of circle contacts due to Lady Gaga's anime-inspired eyes in her music video "Bad Romance". Sure, these contacts bring a larger and cartoonish affect, but they contain many risks. First off, circle contacts are not even FDA approved, which means they are illegal. The only way to buy these contacts are online. Because circle contacts are illegal, a buyer does not know if the contacts were "made is safe and clean conditions", and because "people's cornea sizes are different, it is impossible to know if they are the right fit." Although circle contacts have the same risks as all contacts, Dr. Assumpta Madu of the Montefiore Medical Center states that circle contacts have the "potential for somebody to lose their vision within twenty-four hours". Even with all of these risks, young American girls still buy these illegal contacts for the sake of being fashionable, but is it really worth it?


  1. I think that is a really interesting idea. Look at what we are doing for the sake of beauty! Blinding ourselves possibly for life just 24 hours of beauty. Just crazy. And look at how famous Lady Gaga is becoming! She’s become so famous that some girls are actually trying to become her! Unbelievable. I hope Gaga can come on television or radio and tell those girls they shouldn’t buy it. (If she did I haven’t seen, I’m not so caught up with the news). Some people are just getting way too famous and starting things that should not be started. Maybe they should take a bit of responsibility. I’m not blaming this on Gaga, but she should still do something about it.

  2. What I find intriguing is that the main purpose behind Lady Gaga's success is her mockery of the world of fame, in which one we ironically have gloriously thrown her into. Her outrageous costumes and performances are made only to prove a point to the professional world of pop that they are killing the morality of the youth of today. For example, she wore a dress made of fake Kermit the Frogs in order to show that those celebrities that wear fake fur and who are also for animal rights are still pushing for the idea of wearing dead animals. I think this shows that those who follow trends and do not see the reason behind it will become systematically blind, and only become a part of what celebrities such as Lady Gaga are trying to prove wrong. I believe the blame can only fall upon the individual, the one who is ignorant to the reason behind the action.

  3. I agree with all of you. Its unbelivie to see young people, and maybe even young adults risk their vision just because it's apart of a tend. There's nothing wrong with going along with some fashion trends, but once you start risking your vision to be styling, then it should stop there. It seems like there is a presure (mainly coming from the media) basicly sayng " this is what is in style and if you don't go along with it then you aren't in style at all". And us being only human, we belive whatever we hear or see just like Postman stated in his book. Like I said before, there is nothing wrong with going along with a trend however, you can only go so far untill you pass the line where things go too far.


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