Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sister Salad: Yo Comments are Wack!

*sigh* Their English teachers must be so proud. Although, I think I would have spelled "whack" with the H. I dunno. What does "wack" derive from? It means "lame" or "weak." I'll see what I can find out.

*One minute later...*
1. To be of low or dubious quality. Origin: comes from 'whacky', which evolved to 'whacked' or 'whacked out'. Eventually shortened to 'wack'. The 'h' is usually dropped to differentiate the meaning from 'whack', which is to hit something hard or, kill (old wise guy terminology).


  1. I am so thrilled that someone is helping put out more positive and correctly spelled post on the internet. Sometimes I have to re-read the same post a few times just to understand what exactly they are trying to say. Also, it is kind of backfiring when they misspell “bad words”. If you can’t take the time to spell correctly and have to rush through the comment skipping letters, you’re obviously not putting enough effort for your comment to mean anything to anyone. I mean, if a person hates on your video and puts out a short, angry, and most likely misspelled comment underneath, you’re not going to think about it twice. You’re going to ignore it and not try to understand why the person dislikes your work. If you really dislike a video and want the person to actually take it seriously at all, let them know exactly what’s wrong with the video. For example, a person did a video pieced together by clips of the dreaded Hannah Montana show. People disliked it because she mixed it with the song “Alyssa Lies” which is a sad song about child abuse. The video seemed like it was mockery and of course people posted “hate comments”. It was not intended, of course, to seem that way but it did. And one person actually did a persuasive video comment that was meaningful. She wrote: “I understand that you like Hannah Montana and I don't say this because I dislike her: You should take the video down. Or at least change the video. Alyssa was a real girl and she died because of child abuse. By making this video, you make it seem like some big joke, which I'm sure was not youroriginal intentions. The song is nice, but nobody even dies in Hannah Montana, so it seems like one big mockery. My advice: use photos or videos that actually relate to the song. Please.” It was more meaningful than simple writing “that iz a awful vid u suk”

  2. Funny video Ms. Fletcher. It annoys me as well when people use incorrect grammar or spelling, so I love it when people make clever jokes about these mistakes. Especially when people are insulting each other on the internet, proper English becomes all the more important since if you're not understood then the insult is rendered useless. I always try to use proper English when on the internet or when I'm texting because I think it just feels wrong when I don't.
    I found this guy who teaches proper English using comics.
    Commonly Misspelled Words:link

  3. This is exactly why I don't text as often as most people expect me too.

  4. Carina, this Oatmeal guy can be funny. I generally like his stuff, but once in a while, he makes me cringe a little inside.

  5. Breahna, the texting world is exempt, isn't it? I write things out completely in text messages, and I have been teased by young digital natives. But I can't seem to write r u when I mean are you.

    The most important Sister Salad point: why be mean and vulgar? Why insult people? Why be homophobic or racist? Because if you're mean spirited and nasty, and then to top it off YOU CAN'T SPELL -- well, it creates an impression, doesn't it?

  6. Wow, this video was hilarious, not only that but it proved a point! I don’t understand why people have the habit of typing silly words that do not exist! It’s very annoying, and trying to read all those misspelled words give me a head ache! Such as… “Wehn I syn diz vdyo I wz crkkn up! Itz tyt!” Such comments really are WACK!

  7. The video was great. I sometimes feel like certain people are going to judge because I usually annunciate and try to speck proper grammar all the time. Some people make me feel like I should feel bad for sounding educated. Or even say I sound "white"...what is SOUNDING WHITE. This video just reassures me that I can care less what people say about me or the way I speak. I am smart and I should sound that way as much as I can.

  8. I agree. If people really wanted others to read their comments, they would not make their comments so difficult to understand. I think it’s fine if you want to write improper English in text, but there’s a time and a place to use proper English. (Which is pretty much everywhere else excluding text messages.) I understand if people have trouble spelling big words, but words like “know” and “what” are not difficult, these people are either extremely lazy or just plain confused.

    Carina, you links from the Oatmeal guy were very funny and actually very helpful. The comics make it much easier to remember English rules, rather than trying to remember them by simply stating the rules.


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