Saturday, July 31, 2010

Too much advertisement?

The other day I went to McDonalds and while I was eating my meal on the tray I noticed an advertisement in the middle of it. They are advertising in their own fast food restaurant, I mean come on we already bought food from there, it does not mean we are about to buy some more just because we saw the advertisement on the tray and something hanging from the ceiling. I understand commericals but even after someone buys their food they still want us to buy more, the society we live in has become way too selfish, don't you think? One buys the food, eats it, and then they see another advertisement to buy more? I noticed a girl with her family and as they were leaving she happened to see the sign dangling from the ceiling that advertised an Iced Coffee so she begged her mom to buy her one. Meaning, this type of advertising works. I believe society depends too much upon advertising and advertises way too much than what they're supposed to, am I right?


  1. Well I think they advertise in their own stores because it's basically really cheap for the company to do. And obviously, if it's working, then they're getting their money's worth, don't you think? Advertising is necessary for a company to make money, which is, basically a company's biggest objective. I mean, they have to have their name and product out there, or else no one will know to buy it and they won't be making any money off of it. Yes, that sounds selfish, but that’s just how it is. Frankly, TV commercials and radio spots are very expensive, and they probably can’t rely on only that alone. They wouldn’t want to spend all that money on a commercial and not have any income to show for it. It may be overboard, but advertising has always been like that. Profit seems to be their main focus, sadly.

  2. I agree with Jasmine on how society depends too much upon advertising way too much. I guess the society wants more money. Also, I agree with Mraz on how stores advertise because it is cheap to do so. Stores always want some way for to get more money. I think that McDonald would advertise because of the economy today. Advertising would help them regain the amount of money they would usually get from the previous years.

  3. I believe that advertising is essential for business and making money for bigger business. Advertising is everywhere but I think it’s intentional so that people can become possible consumers of that which is being advertised. Understandably I agree that the way some things are advertised is immoral and unnecessary in some cases. But advertisement is a way people know what new, what’s hot, and what could benefit people's lives and how to obtain it to do so.

  4. I agree that yes people do advertise a little too much but if they didn't some people wouldn't be as successful as they are. As for your issue with restaurants advertising their own food is kind of a smart idea when you think about it. Think about it this way; If you went into a McDonald's and lets say you bought a burger and fries. After this you might say you would be done with your meal but you would happen to notice the ad on the food tray. If it was an ad for some type of dessert you might get convinced and buy the dessert. So yes i do think it is a little to much when they start advertising as much as that but as I've shown it can help with business.


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