Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Teachers V.S. Celebrities

"Actors didn't use to be celebrities. A hundred years ago, they put the theaters next to the brothels. Actors were poor. Celebrities used to be kings and queens. Then the United States abolished monarchy, and now there's this coming together of show business and celebrity. I don't think it's healthy. I don't want to sound self-important, but all these celebrity shows and magazines - it comes from us, from Hollywood, from our country. We're the ones creating it. And I think it works in close step with a lot of other bad things that are happening in the world. It promotes greed, it promotes being selfish and it promotes this ladder, where you're a better person if you have more money. It's not at all about the work itself. Don't get me wrong. I love movies. But this myth of celebrity has nothing to do with movies."-Joseph Gordon Levitt. (Actor)

I agree with Joseph's quote, and although I am guilty of leaving my T.V. on the Disney Channel, being known to obsess over Kristen Stewart and owning an unhealthy amount of Independent Films, I get confused on what is truly important. Celebrities such as Miranda Cosgrove and Dylan & Cole Sprouse make roughly around $250,000 per episode while our High School teachers may make $54,348 yearly and variously. I couldn't really understand this when I heard about it, I just kept thinking "This can't be true, can it?" Teachers earn kudos for teaching future doctors and our future lawyers but Celebs are getting paid far more for standing in front of a few cameras and flaunting their acting skills. Teacher are much more amazing than actors; teachers are true heroes and should be appreciated for what they do to support our success. Actors are fairly highlighted; I like actors just as much as the next gal but teachers seem under appreciated and actors seem highly overrated. But I guess if you are a teacher, it isn't much about the money, whereas many rookie actors do it for the money, and I'm not saying there is anything wrong with that. I just sometimes think how much you pay a person depends on how much you value them. Figuratively, are celebrities of more value of teachers these days?-- but what are your opinions and thoughts? I'd like to hear what you have to say.


  1. I completely agree with you. It may seem that actors are valued more than teachers in our society today but it will only last while they are still considered "at the top of their game" and for most actors the end is when they get their first wrinkles.

    Since we are the technological age, or as Postman would call it, the Age of Television (in my opinion it's more like the "Age of anything Apple related")anybody who has ever been on tv for a while is swarmed by paparazzi while teachers are usually left in peace.

    But think about it, would we really have those actors if it weren't for the teachers that helped them get to the top? Most actors were supported by someone and urged by them to reach their dreams and sometimes these people are teachers. Be it kindergarden, grade school, or even college professors (*whispers* Drama teachers!!)some educator must have helped them along at one point.

    And lets face it, if it weren't for educators they'd be idiots who couldn't even spell their own name.

    So I say lets have the paparazzi follow the teachers and the crowd call them "celebrities" from now on...... or maybe just the celebrity-calling part since nobody seems to like having a stranger following you around, snapping pictures and shouting questions in your face.

  2. Breahna, this is a very interesting topic. I concur with what you said- every word for that matter. Teachers are by far more significant than some 'talented' actor. Who has a greater impact on your life: teachers or actors? Um, for me personally, I would have to go with teachers. Here's my reasoning:

    Envision a life exclusive of celebrities. Could you survive? I think I could. They aren't THAT imperative, right? Big deal if there was no Miranda Cosgrove on "icarly" or other famous actors on T.V. shows. Now, imagine a life without teachers. That is a world gone catastrophic! No one to teach you (hence the word 'teacher') and no one to guide you into your future. I am simply stunned at the amount of money that celebrities make over teachers. A word to describe this would be... wrong. Yes actors are talented and, in some cases, influential. But, they aren't NEARLY as important as teachers. Don't you agree? It's also a shame how big of a deal people make over the death of a celebrity. Every person is born with equality... everyone is human. Why is it a bigger deal if Paris Hilton dies in a car crash than if a teacher were to? Isn't it sad? Why do we 'worship' these so called 'better people'? Is it because they are famous and possess wealth? That doesn't seem very fair... What do you think?

  3. This topic is very interesting; in fact I’ve always wondered why teachers get paid so little when they are the key to our future! They are the reason why we have a president of the United States, lawyers, engineers etc. But if they are so significant, why is their annual salary a bit less than a fourth of the annual salary of most T.V. actors? With the economy right now many teachers are getting laid off due to the state, and the districts not having sufficient money to pay all the teachers. According to, 21,905 pink slips have been handed out to teachers throughout California. The amount of teachers receiving a notification in the state of California is really high. Think about all the students that will be in a class with more than 30 students, not getting all the attention, or needs that they should be receiving. What happened to the No Child Left Behind Act, when many students are in a way being left behind? If so many teachers are being laid off, and their salary is not enough for what they do, why do T.V. actors/actress get paid so much for simply acting? I understand they go through a long path of taking acting classes and it takes a lot of money but teachers also put in a lot of hard work and money to become teachers. Teachers are really important to our society and nation, and I hope that one day they will be rewarded for what they do.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Luzangela, Daniel and Joey, I like what you have to say and I appreciate your thought out responses. I never thought about teachers encouraging wanna be actors Luzangela! I just assumed most actors either a) dropped out of High School to pursue their dream or b) was forced into the business at a young age. And Joey, I agree with the whole "celebrity death" thing. Before Michael Jackson died, a lot of people associated him with pedophiles and perverts, many people I knew hated the guy--but once he dies everybody and their mama's turn hypocritical. Once he died EVERYONE says "Oh, he was such a great man" But before he died they couldn't care less about him. Did you know the week after he died his music shot up in the most downloaded songs of the year?? Maybe it's just because he was a wealthy man? Same thing goes for Elvis Presley, when he died he gained more fans then when he was alive. Daniel, I like your examples; teachers put in a lot of sleepless nights for their students and I agree that actors work hard too, maybe harder than we all know but teachers consume themselves for the pathway of others and that's the most appreciated, selfless act someone can accomplish.


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