Thursday, July 29, 2010

A Vision of Students Today

Who was Marshall McLuhan? Anybody remember without jumping into Wikipedia?


  1. He was in Postman's book. Didn't he coin the expression "The medium is the message"?
    And he was an "unknown professor" according to Postman, if I remember correctly.

  2. Wow! This is a very depressing video. At 2:23, the girl says she spends more than 3 hours online and at 2:26 another girl says she listens to music for more than two hours! Of course a little bit of music and web browsing won't do too much damage, but that amount of time in one day is WAY too much. Music I guess isn't so bad,(if your multitasking) but three hours on the computer is a bit much. That is how people get brainwashed and lose track of time. I guess Postman was right in saying that as ways of communication change, so do ideas.

  3. Joey, brainwashed isn't exactly the term I would use. Yes, reading things on the internet can make you form or change your opinions but I think "brainwashed" might be too harsh of a term. I also believe that the numbers shown by the students are averages- meaning that the particular girl might not spend three hours online, perhaps she spends two hours, but one of the other two-hundred students in the project might spend six hours.
    I personally can spend hours upon hours online chatting with people, reading facts, typing up blogs posts, or looking up music. It isn't all worthless however. For instance, the post "Why So Skinny" ( on this blog sent me on a two hour tangent going from site to site reading about the media and how it affects us.
    The fact that education isn't preparing us for the problems of our futures is a sad fact, and money being wasted on books we won't read or classes we won't attend could be used for many other things. I really liked this video.


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