Monday, July 12, 2010

Advertising Ourselfs To Death?

Postman was compeletly correct. Hasn't everything become about advertising, but not only advertising, but entertaining advertising.

With television you can expect advertising, but every five minutes we are bombarded by commercials that are the "deal of a lifetime" the "call now and we'll double your order! Absolutly free" and my personal favorite "A 40 dollar value absolutly free!" But it makes sense though right? It's television...

But, it has gone so far as to you can't even walk up the street without seeing advertisements. House for sale signs that claim they have the best realtors in the business. Billboards asking whos salt? Making you wonder who is Salt? There are even advertisements on public benches! Outrageous!

At least we have refuge in books right? Wrong! Books have flashy pictures on the covers, they have catchy titles sometimes not even having anything to do with the book, but hey anything for the sale right? Book signings innocent right? You get to meet your favorite author have him sign your favorite book right? No, its just another form of advertisement.

Correct me if i'm wrong but are we or are we not bieng constantly bombareded with an advertisement overload?


  1. ooops I forgot to add the part about the books...
    Well here goes

    Don’t the books on the corner of the blogging webpage catch your eye while you’re reading the blogs? Just another form of advertising

  2. Exactly what I'm thinking David. In fact, as I was reading this post I was watching this mindless but entertaining show called Work of Art. Basically it's a contest where artists compete for a grand prize at the end of the show (if you've seen Top Chef then it's the same concept). Anyway there was a contest where they had to design bookcovers and the winner would actually be published. As they were reviewing the best and worst designs, the judges talked about how the cover had to catch the eye first and then explain an aspect of the novel second.
    Advertising is all about drawing the customer in and possibly the worst culprit lies in the business of marketing food. For example, it costs 50 cents to make cereal, but the reason it costs $3.99 at the store is due to the cost of advertising. You're right we are constantly bombarded by advertising, but the worst part is we can tell when they work. We know when an advertisement is good like the Google search or Apple Mac vs PC commercials. We fall into the trap, and I don't think we can do anything about it.

  3. I also agree wit Carina. And you too of course. I do feel like we are being bombarded by advertisments. I never relaized it until you poined it out. Actally I doubt ablot of people notice that advertisment is around us all the time. I guess we just got use to it. Your see, we probably grew up with advertisment around us and now it just seems normal. its like Carina said... I don't think we can do anything about it. It just became a part of our lives now.

  4. There is so much advertisement that it has made us believe the way we are supposed to look and act.

  5. I agree that there is too much advertisement and that it is all around us all the time. I never realized about this until David pointed it out but it would take a longer time for me to find out since I hardly go outside my home and don't watch T.V. But I agree that since we grew up with so much advertisements that we were used to it.


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