Monday, July 12, 2010

We are the (Brave New) World

As I began reading Brave New World I was extremely confused, but as I got more into the book I started to love it. Huxley really does know what he's talking about. Even though the world we live in has not yet reached this type of control, I know that one day this could be possible. The thought of the Bible and religion as being "old" just surprises me. The higher powers in this book wanted to eliminate everything old and would only allow new things to be taught. One thing that sounded kind of fun to me was the "feely" place. If I understand correctly, it's like a movie theatre where you can feel what the characters in the film feel. If that's not what it is, then does anyone care to explain? Another thing I thought was kind of cool was the soma. These tablets seem like they are completely bad, and they are, but they have some benefits too. I mean, wouldn't it be great to just stop time and take a mini vacation where you're completely relaxed. It sounds good to me! However, the soma tablets are just another way that controls the people in this utopian society. Lastly, one thing that I just loved about this book was the fact that there were some people who stood up to the Controllers. It just excited me when they rebelled against the rules and laws of their society. I felt like I was actually in the book. Whether we want to admit it or not, this type of world could be lingering in our near future. My question to you is: If this society were to exist, would you abide by the rules and take your soma, or would you be one of the characters, such as Bernard Marx, to be sent off to an island?


  1. I agree, Charles. I was also confused, and then I began to love it. I got the same understanding about the feely place, too. I think it IS kind of a movie theater that you could actually feel because at the end of the movie, Lenina still "felt" the kiss. Unless that only means that it made her want to. I don't know for sure.

    I think it would be kind of cool with the soma and feely places, but I don't know if I'd be able to live like that. Would you like to run away from your problems just that easily? Would you want to be looked down upon for loving only one person? There are some good things and some bad things. I wouldn't be able to decide for sure. You say we may be like this in the future, but do you think it would be that extreme? Would people be able to change their ways that quickly?

  2. I agree with you Charles when you say this book is interesting because it definitely is. I sat down to read a chapter or two and ended up reading twelve. I think it is crazy how in this world emotions aren't common and they really have no sense of what love is. I like to think that we will not get to the point where having many "partners" without any kind of tie to them is considered normal. I also hope that in the future everyone is not produced in some factory. Anyhow, I would have to agree with the question of if we would abide by the rules and take our soma. The thought of me doing something like that seems outrageous and I would NOT want to take part in any such thing. However, if I was raised in a society like this I would not know any better. So I think it all depends, but being a rebellious person and not abiding by the rules would be hard because everyone else is considered "normal" and your the outcast. I guess it all ties into the fact that most of society are followers. We do what everyone else is doing. Yes there are people against it, but it becomes hard in a world where you are outnumbered.


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