Wednesday, July 21, 2010

No Name Posts

Dear Bloggers:

In the assignment, I specifically asked for clear identifying information: "You must sign each post with your real name. I cannot grade or respond to crzysrferchick88, flatworlder3876 or any such moniker." A single first name will only work if you are Napoleon, Madonna, Cher or Prince.  I have plenty to do without searching for your identity when I have asked you to provide it.

If you did not use your last name in your blog identity, then please sign your posts. Unidentified posts go in the "No Name" basket -- also known as the slag heap.


  1. Hahaha I changed it :D I apologize Mrs.Fletcher I was unaware that my blog was signed Chris... One of my boxes in settings was not checked. Please review the blog again to make sure everything is in order. Thank you! :D (smileys make the world brighter)

  2. Would my screen name be sufficient or should I change it, Mrs. Fletcher?

  3. Mrs. Fletcher, is my screen name okay? I didn't put my last name because I thought it would be too long.

  4. Thank you Christopher Villegas, aka Chris. :P

    Raul G. is fine since I know who you are. You've come in and met with me.

    Angel Mae, you don't have to change your screen name, but SIGN your posts. I don't know your last name by heart.

  5. Mrs. Fletcher, is it okay if I use lenoraB since my name isn't that common?

  6. Yes, sorry about my first response to a post. I had to delete my post and repost it because I didn't know it'd show up as just "Melissa". I hope it wasn't too much of a problem.


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