Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Advertising, has it gone to far?

We can all agree advertising has taken many steps since it has first started, first it was a modest add in a newspaper, then it began going farther and farther. I believe it is on a metaphorical line, how can we take television seriously if we are watching the news and we see an important story such as a murderer lose in our neighborhood but stay tuned while we show you these important commercial messages.

How can they be considered important if our saftey may be at risk?

But advertising may have taken an even further step definatly crossing the line. If they can indanger our safety what is to say they aren't using subliminal messages on us?

Subliminal Stimuli- are any sensory stimili below an individuals threshold for consious perception- wikipedia

Subliminal messages are messages which you can't pick up but brainwash you into wanting or thinking about something. Have you ever been watching a commercial then suddenly want the product really really badly? There could be subliminal messages.

I dont think there are subliminal messages in commercials yet, but who is to say in the future or even now the people who run television aren't to say well, they'll never know and put subliminal messages into our programing.

Just a thought.

PS. I am going to be on vacation so I cant reply to your post for a few days.


  1. Advertising has gone way too far. Half the time the commerical or ad isn't even about the product. I wrote in an earlier blog about how companies now use good looking half clothed women and sex to sell their product. Another person also mentioned the rapping hamsters commercial. I mean come on, what do rapping hamsters have to do with a car? Advertising nowadays has in my opinion gone completely out of control, they try anything and everything just to sell their product. Subliminal messages should be illegal, then again half of America is already all about watching tv and buying the new Call of Duty game, it probably would not even make a difference and that's quite sad.

  2. Actually, I dig those little hip hop hamsters driving around in the Kia.

  3. Has advertising past the line? I think so. It's kind of like having an important conversation with someone and having random people pop out of no where and interrupt your conversation just to tell you pointless information. Maybe it's best to display commercials before and after televised programs rather than in between.

    Also, when you mentioned subliminal messages it made me think back to an episode from a show (Saved by the Bell, have you heard of it?) where a group of guys use subliminal messages in a CD to trick girls into liking them. Just like advertisers who would ever consider this method of advertising, it just shows desperation and loss of morality.

  4. Yes, I also think advertising has past the line for some time now. I can tell you this because I frequently watch television and watch hundreds of commercials a day, they are always trying to sell products or convince week people to try procedures that will help them with weight loss. For example much of California is over weight so their is a medical treatment that everyone has heard of , the "lap band". And you see and hear about the miraculous transformation that the person had gone through. And I think people buy into this because of those subliminal messages that are secretly being used.

  5. I agree on how advertising has past the line. The commercials on the television always show a product which is advertised to be bought. The advertising, in my opinion, is just a way for people to get more money for when people buy the products, the more money is made. I wouldn't know what is going on teh advertising on the TV because I rarely watch TV (maybe 2 hrs a week). However, when I did watch more TV, I agree on how the commercials were used to get people to buy the productss or do something which would "help" them. I think I agree with Manuel that the subliminal messages are secretly used in the advertising for people to buy the products.


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