Friday, July 16, 2010

Childhood Favorites.

Growing up I remember my mom putting me shows like "Sesame Street", "Teletubbies", and so on. But I never realized that though you may learn some things from the shows, that you only learn CERTAIN things. And unlike a school, you can't raise your hand and ask a question. Like Postman points out,

"Whereas a classroom is a place of social interaction, the space in front of a television set is a private preserve. Whereas in a classroom, one may ask a teacher questions, one can ask nothing of a television screen. Whereas school is centered on the development of language, television demands attention to images. Whereas attending school is a legal requirement, watching television is an act of choice. Whereas in school, one fails to attend to the teacher at the risk of punishment, no penalties exist for failing to attend to the television screen." (143)
I never thought that learning from a television screen was really brain washing me to believe that school was going to be that way as I grew up. And to this day teachers will put on movies or clips to teach us the lesson they are going over. Who ever thought that learning from a television can be both GOOD and BAD?


  1. I'm sorry but I don't quite understand what your saying here.

    You say " I never thought that learning from a television screen was really brain washing me to believe that school was going to be that way as I grew up."

    One suggestion on the final question you should make it more general for me the answer is
    " O yes i did" or
    " O I never did".
    Just trying to make a helpful suggestion.

  2. What i meant to say is that when you watch the shows like "Sesame Street", they make children believe that school will be as fun like those shows (brainwashing in a way), but they are very different. We spend hours at school, while the show is frm 30 minutes to an hour long. Learning from those shows were fun and entertaining, but once we stepped into school, it was nothing like the show was. But thank you for telling me, I did it in a rush and i could see why you were confused.

  3. Jpartida, Postman, throughout the course of his novel, talks about how shows like "Sesame Street", the news, and "60 minutes" negatively impact the health of our public. He points out that the best show are in fact the 'junk' shows, or entertaining shows. Why? Because they don't brainwash our minds... they are purely for entertainment. The show "Sesame Street" is a very deceiving show for children. It makes school look like something it isn't. As Postman stated, there is no sense of interaction when being amused by a television screen. You cannot ask a teacher questions, make a comment, or talk to fellow peers about a specific subject. Postman makes this subject very clear in the beginning of chapter 10.


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