Monday, August 16, 2010

We have our priorities mixed up.

I was just watching this program on TV called, “The Diary of Jay-Z: Water for Life”. It is basically about the rapper/celebrity Jay-Z and he travels the areas of the world that have water crisis, it could be from no water to scarce, contaminated water. I must point out that showing a program like this on MTV is likely to get attention to the cause, which is great. The one thing that made me get up and write this post is when Jay-Z goes to visit a school and a young girl approaches him with a camera phone and takes a picture of him, he says, “Its funny the priorities that are being made.” He is talking about the fact that the region was suffering of lack of water yet she managed to get money for a phone. It really shocked me. I would think any money would be used from something more helpful. We truly have our priorities mixed up.

1 comment:

  1. You cannot get water from just anywhere in the areas where there are no water. Which means, however much money a family has, they have no access to water.
    There is this show(Korean) where the celebs go to poor country to help the local people, and they made wells in areas where the water was so scarce that the kids had risk their safety and life to walk miles just to get a bucketful of water. Other places had people who only had contaminated water available to them and the people drank water although they knew that they would be getting diseases. It takes A LOT of money to make a well, and some places have low percentage of hitting underground water when the machine drills to the ground because the area is dry.
    Phone payment is the smallest fraction of the expanse that is needed to pay for a well.


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