Saturday, August 21, 2010

Signing Off for Summer

AP Juniors, thank you for the 327 threads and countless comments -- I've enjoyed reading and writing with you this summer.

I want you to really think about what we've done:  all of us, working with the same texts, have created a living document that is unique among all previous classes and all classes to come.  You have put your own stamp on the texts through your insights, questions and ruminations, doing the necessary work that makes your education your own.  I'm proud of this summer blog! 

I also want you to appreciate how much better we know each other after having gone through this together.

We are closing up shop out here for now; I'll be removing people from the blog who did not post or turn in notebooks.  The blog is changing its identity from a summer homework free-for-all to a classroom blog. So, let it go quiet for now.  Focus on enjoying your last days of summer; get some sun, get some rest, read the paper, read a novel, finish your other homework...and to the extent that you are able, get off of the computer and go for a walk somewhere beautiful.

I'm starting a ritual this Sunday of an early morning beach walk, and I've made a promise to myself to continue this ritual throughout the school year, clear or cloudy, hot or cold.  (Rain -- meh.  We'll see.  I don't much like getting wet if it's also cold.)  It's my happiness appointment, and I vow to keep it.


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