Monday, August 16, 2010

Mrs. Fletcher--question about my blogs?

Um,I've looked back at my blogs and I've written four I believe but when I look at my profile it shows I only have one post. I find this really weird and it bothers me a lot because in my other blogs I've written I've gotten responses--please help!


  1. Jasmine, don't you have a list of dates and titles?? I have two posts on August 1...Subliminal Messages & Conformity.

  2. Oh yes, and on my thing here: is where the invite took me) it says I've write one post dated June 19, 2010. But I know I wrote those Subliminal Message and Conformity blogs.....

  3. That's my mom's birthday!

    Jasmine, look at the blog. Is it there? I don't see it, do you? What can I do? You're asking me to credit you for something that I cannot see. The link you gave me is not helpful. Can you find the post? Read it? See it? If you can get to a screen where you see the post, and the June 19 date is clearly visible, please take a screenshot.

    The only post I see on June 19 was by Breahna Upton entitled, "Guilty as Charged," and it was commented on by Quang, Carina and me.

  4. Look, Jasmine...we've all written things that have disappeared. Computers crash, we leave notebooks on the city bus, we forget to happens. But you are in an AP writing class, and that means just open the faucet and WRITE. Don't worry about "what is the minimum I can do for this assignment," but instead think, "Dang, that's bad news. Oh well. I am an endless fountain of ideas and words and I can write another one." Just write. You are in for a year of misery if you can't embrace the fact that you will be writing ALL OF THE TIME.

  5. Well, I'm sorry--I didnt't mean to pester or exasperate you. It's just that those types of things always freak me out because I like to have all my stuff together and accounted for and I'm usually really...what's the word...deliberate? when I work, so a lot of times it could take forever. But anyway thank you for responding and I swear I'll try not to bother you so much over stuff like that.


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