Sunday, August 15, 2010

Can't live without technology?

I recently tried going 24 hours without my phone, iPod, computer and TV. I admit I couldn’t complete it, only because my mom was trying to call me; obviously I couldn’t ignore her. I didn’t want to do it on a day that I would be home. I preferred on a day when I was out, just to experience it completely. My trick was to only keep my phone on me and put my parents ringtone to a certain song then turn off the ringtone for a text message. I didn’t look at it until my mom bombed it with calls. The point is I know technology sometimes has a negative effect on us but we all know it also has many positives to it. I understand we shouldn’t be hooked to our electronic devices but they do come in handy. We’ll only get more advanced in the field of technology so we should learn how to balance it and not be too attached to it. In conclusion, we all could live without our televisions, iPods, and even computers but I won’t admit that we can live in our society without a cell phone; it’s too engraved in our daily life. Disagree?


  1. I actually agree with you; except I think we could live without most technology. Do we need CELL phones? We could just use payphones or home phones, and actually TALK-verbal usage. You see, we use these technological advances because we have them. About twenty years ago, cell phones did not exist. People survived, right? I think we could live without SOME technology- but not all. I believe that we need vehicles (specifically cars), telephones (not cell phones), and medical advances. That's just my opinion, though.

  2. Actually Joey...I think we do need cell phones because what if something happens to someone who is alone but they dont have any money on them for a pay phone... but it's an emergency?
    What are they gonna do?

    But I do also agree with you because we need cars and medical advances, but I personally think that we can live without computers.

  3. Joey, think about how much cell phones have helped us. They make reaching people so much easier when you're on the go and don't necessarily have the time to stop. And, nowadays, there's more to cell phones than just calling or texting. I know that I've used the navigation system on my phone to help me find where I'm going more than once!

    And Heather, with computers comes this great invention called the internet. No, we don't need it, but think about how useful it is. It provides abundant amounts of information and it's more convenient to turn on your computer than to go all the way to the library.

  4. I partially agree. Jasmine are right to say that we do need cell phones because they allow us to call for help in case of an emergency, unless you lug around a pay-phone and some change for fun or live life as a hermit so the our phones will always be within range... as long as we are always at home. And yes, we don't really need all or most of the electronic tools like our televisions or ipods, but we do need the computer. Because computers the internet is so engraved into our society today, we will not be able to function. Computers help operate factories, organize files and store information for businesses, and many other things.I'm not sure if you have heard about the Y2K frenzy that was all the hype right before January of 2000. Apparently, there was this scare about a computer virus that would reset all the dates and information to the 1900's because the computers weren't programed to "predict the new millennium" so everything would crash. Well nothing crashed, but people we still very scared. This little scare did absolutely nothing but demonstrated how dependent our society is on computers and how it is the base of how thing function now.

  5. I actually tried to go without technology for a day too, but I lasted for about an hour. Anyway, I somewhat agree with you. The cellphone is very important, and we could live without the ipod and the television. But, the computer is very important to people, especially the people who run organizations, industry, etc. Almost anything you know is run or made by computers. Cars and planes are designed on computers, traffic signals are run using computers, most medical equipment uses computers and space exploration is very dependent on the computer. Additionally, most of the jobs today require the use of computers. Also, I dont think we'll ever lose our attachment to technology, because as it continues to advance , we will become a lot more dependent on it

  6. If its not too bad, I change my original thought and would include computers along with cell phones. I also agree with your last sentence, Roxy.


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