Monday, August 16, 2010

A Very Troubling Mistake: Question, Not Post

Mrs. Fletcher, as I was checking my work, I realized that my essays are all jumbled up, saying that Postman wrote BNW and Huxley wrote AOTD. Though I corrected all of those mistakes in my essays, it turns out that the last essay I wrote, Prompt 7, is about the wrong book. I still have no idea how I got confused since the essays were ALL about BNW, but I somehow did. So I wanted to know if you would allow me to cross out that essay and paperclip in the new one, or if I have to destroy my whole White-Out supply getting rid of the wrong one and hoping my new essay will fit in its place. Please answer soon, and I apologize deeply for my easily avoidable mistake.


  1. First, Lenora, be calm. It's OK. Mistakes happen, even big ones. So if you have a sinking feeling, like your life has been ruined, talk yourself out of it. What are you doing up at 6:22 a.m.?

    Don't use white out! Ugh! I didn't forbid it for summer, but I don't let you use it during the school year because you'll never be able to use it on the exam...I want you to get used to just lining things out. (Now, if you used white out in essay 1-6 when you switched authors names, don't worry about that. I'm not trying to give you new things to worry about.)

    On essay #7, just X it out, and rewrite it on the first clean sheet of white paper; I'll find it. Just leave the "wrong" essay right where it is for now.

    Believe me, when 60 people turn in 7 essays (420 essays) plus all the vocab, blogging and Postman summaries, I don't spend any time reading what has been crossed out.

    Thinking and learning can be messy. Embrace it.

  2. *deep breath* Okay, I rewrote it, and I'll cross out the wrong one.Thank you so much for being understanding! :)


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