Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thoughts on Homework and Books

As I review my AP homework for Brave New World, I remember flipping constantly through the end and finding it cruel of how all of the reporters constantly antagonize John. The ending was pretty sad. It really bothered me that his whole experience with civilization drove him to suicide.
I figured it was a sad book, though, hasn't anyone noticed that nearly all of the books we are assigned to read are depressing?
Things Fall Apart, Lord of the Flies, Shakespeare tragedies, The Outsiders, A Separate Peace, Alicia: My Story, and more? Why is that? Let's read something happy for once!
Continuing from my original starting point, Huxley makes a good argument about his opinions of the future, enough so that Postman constantly referred to his work in Amusing Ourselves to Death and even titled a whole chapter with his name in it. I also heard that Brave New World is on a banned book list because of Huxley's free speech, has anyone else heard that? Or am I getting some wrong information?
Anyway, it was a good read, I enjoyed it.


  1. Free people read freely. Celebrate banned books.

    Thomas Paine was banned. The Bible has been banned. So has John Steinbeck, Gertrude Stein, Walt Whitman, Maya Angelou, Lewis Carroll, JRR Tolkein, Alice Walker, Kurt Vonnegut, James Baldwin, Ray Bradbury...and yes, Aldous Huxley. Captain Underpants was banned. Really, it's almost a point of pride rather than a mark of shame.

  2. It seems that any book that provoked dangerous and questioning thought is banned. Brave New World was a truly amazing book, perhaphs one of my favorites, and it really got me thinking about our own society and how we are slowly turning into a burlesque society. Wow the Bible has been banned, very ineteresting.


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