Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Changing Religion

Do you believe that religion, and what it means, has changed due to television?
Postman describes many different ways that he believes that it has. The way that the rituals are carried out and the fact that they are shown on t.v. are consequences. Priests have focused more on looks and money than the actual sacredness. They don't seem to care whether a person believes in the higher power or has been saved from a downfall, they just want the $20 that will go towards the building of the church, the homeless, and the priest's new car.

Postman wonders if the fact that religion can be made entertaining is destroying it as "an authentic object of culture."

Write your thoughts.


  1. I don't think it is like this for all religions. It probably depends on the church or place of sanctuary. But to think that this is a plausibility is a bit scary. It's amazing how much influence T.V. has on us.

  2. I agree with Alexis Austin. It could only depend on the church you go to. Then again, it gets me thinking that maybe some people truly don't care and are only looking for the money, its wrong because that is not what I believe religion should be about.

  3. Literally television has not changed religion but it has changed the way people interpret religion. Television has caused many people to the forget what religion truly is. Through entertainment it has lost some of its meaning. For example, nowadays to many Christmas is only see as a holiday where they can eat great food, open up presents, and just have fun. Many do not attend church on Christmas even though you are suppose to because they do not remember the true meaning of Christmas as a consequence of entertainment. Of course this does not apply to everyone and to every religion but religion has lost some of its meaning because of entertainment.

  4. I don't really watch religious channels but I have seen their commercials. For instance, I saw a commercial that was selling a diamond platted necklace that had a prayer in it and the commercial was talking all about how the necklace can be good gift for someone special and how to have the lord's prayer in the palm of the hand. I don't see how a necklace will help me go to haven or be a better person, I think they were just advertising the necklace to gain money. I doubt that Jesus would ever be offering products to help people to go to haven. Religion may has change in definition though television as something that is marketing and entertaining with like-able preachers and music.


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