Sunday, August 15, 2010

Advertisement a Negative or Positive?

In today's society, advertisement are everywhere. People have been advertising more as the years pass on. The question is that "Is advertisement going to be more of a positive or negative affect on society in the future? Advertisement have already convince people to buy products that are being advertised by looking at the advertisements. For example, in the thread "Too much advertisement" by Jasmine Gomez tell how a girl who saw an advertisment about Ice Coffee in McDonald and that she begged her parents to get one. However, advertisements are needed because how else would people make lot of people know about the product which they are selling. But, advertisements can be abused to just get more money by convincing people to buy their products with advertisements. Also, advertisements can be used as a good thing if what is being advertised for example is helping people in need where it tell people to do more charity and food or clothing drives. I think that in today's society currently, most people would not advertised to help people which would led that advertisement would have a more negative affect on society in the future. Would advertisement in the later future be where when someone see an advertisement, they would just buy the product because they saw an advertisement which some people are already doing that now?


  1. Depending on your point of view advertisements can either be a negative or positive thing to you. If you were looking to make money and sell as many products as possible then, of course, advertisements are a huge plus when the money starts coming in. Now, if you were person that believed advertisements should advertise their product's usefulness, then advertisements today could be a big, fat minus. It is a negative to that type of person because many advertisements today do not advertise their usefulness, but rather advertise to the consumer's emotions. I believe advertisements are a positive thing. If they bring in the money and make people happy to buy the product, then it couldn't be so bad, right?

    I haven't read the post "Too much advertisement" by Jasmine Gomez yet, but your explanation about the post was quite interesting. Girl sees advertisement and begs parents to buy one: Successful advertisement. If you think that is too far or weird, you may be mistaken. I'm sure many of you are familiar with children. No, we're not going into some sex-ed lesson. Anyway, children will see an advertisement on television for a toy. They will then run straight to their parents asking them to buy it for them. I hope that sounds familiar.

    Although most advertisements do not advertise to help people, there are some advertisements that do advertise to help people.

    Also, your last question is quite odd. You are asking if in the future would someone buy a product only because they saw it on an advertisement just like they already do today. You are basically answering your own question because you state that some people are already doing it now. I am not sure if you are trying to ask something else in that question, so make sure to take a look at it.

  2. Advertising can certainly be helpful to the company trying to sell their product. TV, magazine, and billboard advertisements get the message out there loud and clear and are set out for the sole purpose of bringing consumers in. When the potential buyer, the girl in your example, goes to buy the product, the advertising has served its purpose.

    However, there are versions of "bad" or false advertising. Companies may sometimes give a false impression of what they are really trying to sell. Sex sells. Beauty sells. Fame sells. Companies know these things and will sometimes use them to their advantage when selling their products. Is it morally wrong? Yes. Is it wrong for the sake of getting their product on the market? Well, this is the tougher issue.

    I believe that companies have the right to advertise the way they wish to advertise while trying to better the sales of their product. This is where the consumers part comes in. As a consumer, you have to choose whether the statements about their product seem valid and worth buying or if they don't seem real. In the end, it's the buyers decision, so it's not the advertisements fault.


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