Saturday, August 14, 2010

He's Running For President....On the Silver Screen

Before I begin, I wish to explain a few things. Yes, this is yet another politic/media blog post. Yes, it is about our ever famous California "Governator". Here's where the difference is at: I disagree, instead of agree, with the idea that media has completely taken control of politics.

Why do I believe this? I saw the new movie, "The Expendables", a few hours ago. As some of you may or may not know, Arnold Schwarzenegger makes an appearance for a few minutes of screen time. Not to ruin the movie for anyone, but there are a few lines which stick out: "Bruce Willis: Man, what p***** him off? Stallone: Who? Him? He wants to be president." At this point, everyone in the theatre laughs. In case some of you don't understand, that was a reference to Arnold's real political career.

Why does this make me doubtful instead of afraid that the United States might have yet another Hollywood president? I will repeat, everyone in the theatre LAUGHED. The way I see it, most people have learned the hard way not to base politics on popularity. This is why they didn't take that little jargon seriously. The people of the United States might have already passed the point where they can not take media seriously anymore. What I mean is that maybe America can finally distinguish that almost everything they see on television is entertainment based, and maybe we can keep entertainment and politics separate.

What do you think? Am I right to believe that we have finally learned the difference, or that Postman is right in believing that there is nothing separating entertainment and rational thinking, and they will always be integrated?


  1. Andrew, Schwarzenegger can't make a White House run because he was born in Austria. If he could, believe me, he would run, and although TOPIC of movie star presidents would definitely be on the agenda, it would not stop his candidacy from moving forward.

  2. Andrew i agree and disagree with you in saying that America has learned to distinguish politics from enetertainment. Yes, before reading your blog i completely agreed with Postman, but now seeing your point of view i do believe some Americans have learned through mistake that politics and entertainment should be treated separately. Then again for every American that treats them separately their is one who still uses popularity, appearance, and social standing as a deciding factor in voting.


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