Monday, September 27, 2010

You hate me? So what! I don't care.

What do you do when a big group of people hates you? Do you pretend that you don't care or do you try to deal with it using violence? Whether you are hated by one person or a group of people, the effect is still the same. The Bedford Reader that we have been reading in class has a lot of interesting topics from what I've seen, but one that we've been reading in class so far is Orwell's Shooting an Elephant. A European man is a sub-divisional police officer in a place he despises. He also seems confused as to whether he hates his own people or his oppressors. When you find out that someone doesn't like you, you not only have hate for that person but also hate for yourself. We are already self-conscious enough as it is, but our insecurities really show when we know that we are not liked. The man in Shooting and Elephant made me wonder, if you really hate your job or your life, do you just deal with it or do you try to find a way out of it?


  1. Hmm, good question. For this, Charles, I would have to say that you would need to deal with it. There is the old saying, "Don't worry about what others think". Wouldn't that apply here? In "Shooting an Elephant", the man was obviously hated by some. He probably felt insecure. Is violence the best alternative? In my opinion, no.

  2. in most cases one would take the "path of least resistance". but in orwell's case that would be difficult. In a choice between a few thousand poor people or one mighty (but dying) empire, orwell is stuck between "a rock and a hard place". he is traped. depsite his odds, i say that he sould find a way out before he is crushed by the tensions between the empire and the poor people.


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