Thursday, September 30, 2010

Should I be louder?

For as long as I could remember, my voice is always overshadowed by a bigger, louder, more attention grabbing voice that demands the ears of the people around. The teacher will ask for an answer and i'll say it and get no response but the person next to me or across the room says the same thing and the teacher gives them praise! It is weird because sometimes I feel like i'm being loud but people have always said I have a soft voice. With the whole megaphone man concept i can totally see where this is coming from. I think it is right, the voice that is louder and that carries across the room with ease even while the speaker uses a normal tone are the ones that tend to do public speaking, announcements, and more looked to as the loud boisterous funny one.


  1. I see what you mean, Janae. I personally don't talk loud.

    I think the "Megaphone Man" is saying that the louder you are, the more confident you are. Most people want their ideas to be heard. There are the type of people who whisper in the corner, and then there are those who stand on top of a table with a microphone and steal the spotlight at the party.

    Public speaking is scary, but it shows that you strongly believe something.

  2. I comletely understand where you are coming from, Janae. That same situation happens to me ALL THE TIME, simply because my voice just isn't as loud as the person next to me. Even if I have an answer for something I'm excited about, someone with a louder oice is heard, even if it's the wrong answer.

    I also like Joey's comment on how the "Megaphone Man" feels that volume equals confidence. We need to have the confidence to make sure we are heard and what we think is considered just as important as the next person.

  3. Janae, I agree with you 100 hundred percent! In class the other day, someone said an answer but Mrs. Fletcher didn't hear them. A few seconds later someone else said the answer and Mrs. Fletcher heard them. I guess you have to be louder in order to be heard. I'm sure that she was confident in her answer but she thought that she was already being loud enough. There is a certain point where you can be too loud and you become annoying. But hey, I guess being annoying can get your point across.

  4. This definitely happens to anyone and I am a victim of this also partially because I am never so confident of my answer enough for me to be raising my hand revealing the correct answer. Someone with a louder more noticable voice does tend to get the praise. It sadly just doesn't happen in the classroom but it also happens outside of it and it can lead to lawyers being involved also.


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