Thursday, September 30, 2010

Let us get rid of megaphone man

Can he be eliminated? Would it be possible to somehow get him to let go of the throne? I think so. He happens all the time, and we have now acknowledged megaphone man’s existence listening to George Saunders. Why had we not noticed him before? It must be because we did not mind listening to him. It did not bother the audience that he was controlling them because it was subconscious. Which means we should not have this problem anymore right? We can stop this “megaphone man” from controlling us since we know he exists. We must learn that just because he has the speaker does not mean he is wiser. Because something is on the television does not mean it is true. To let others or the media control us is ridiculous when we know of their intentions.

So back to my question can he be eliminated? Yes. It goes back to this summer’s books. We all read about the media destroying us and our possible Huxley future. The deciding factor will be whether we chose to do something about it.

1 comment:

  1. i thik that it is impossible to destroy a megaphone man because we need him. we need someone to tell us something, wheter it be true or false. a megaphone man, in a sense, is a leader, even if he is a bad one.In our society, people would rather follow any leade than a good one. this is partially due to the effects of media in our society.


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