Thursday, September 9, 2010

Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us | Video on

Ray Kurzweil on how technology will transform us | Video on

Here is the post about Ray Kurzweil! He says some exciting things about renewable energy in this speech. I like it when we speak about eradicating poverty, disease and solving the world's energy problems. I don't know if I want computer chips in my head and I know I don't want to extend my life too far beyond a reasonable life expectancy. I think it might be creepy to see people like me running around at 150 years of age.


  1. His slides are SO BORING: graphs with lines going up or down. Meh.

  2. What I like:
    Turn off the fat gene! Yeah, body. You don't have to save energy for me in the form of fat. I just can drive down to Ralph's if I run out of food...I don't have to chase down a wildebeest or anything.

    What? $1000 of computing is somewhere between a mosquito and a mouse brain?


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