Tuesday, September 14, 2010

At what point do we become the technology?

At what point do we become the techonology?

In the podcast we listened to in AP English class Ray Kurzwell a technology enthusiast explains that soon our natural intelligence will be 1billion times inferior to computer technology.

What defines a human as a human?

My definition is, being able to experience emotions, make rational thought, and adapt to different experiences, plus the 6 things we learned in anatomy movement, growth, responsiveness, reproduction, specialized cells, and metabolisim) but the most important thing though that makes you a human is your memories.

So, if we have computer brains, does that make the computer the human and do we become the technology. In the podcast Kurzwell explains that the robots will be able to expereince human emotions, make rational thoughts, and (computers do this by themselves already) adapt to different experiences. If we had computer brains, the computer could use us as a vessel, it would have movement, could upgrade (grow/ obtain specialized cells), would be responsive, could build new computers (reproduction) and power itself (metabolism). Since your computer is in your brain it would share your memories.

So, at what point do we become the technology and the technology becomes the human?


  1. "At what point do we become the technology and the technology becomes the human?" A similar question popped into my mind when this podcast was playing. I believe that we are already reaching that point. We have become so dependent on technology that it is part of our identity.

    Although technology does have a great influence on our lives, I find it hard to imagine technology becoming human. We are the creators and controllers of technology. We have the ability to flip a switch, to turn off a device. The human emotion is a complex function that cannot be taught or programmed.

  2. I agree with Angel Mae. Putting a computer chip in a person's brain wouldn't really affect the important things that make them human, like their emotions. It would simply make them more intelligent and well-informed.

    Plus I honestly dont think its possible. It just seems a bit far-fetched that we could have computer chips in our brains and control things that way.


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