Monday, September 27, 2010


Just by the title of my blog I am sure I grasped at least a couple people's attention. How easy it is to get someone off topic or what their current thought was by simply shotuing or making a lot of noise. George Saunders "Brain Dead Mega Phone Man" podcast shows exactly this concept. A man with a megaphone steps in and shouts how he loves early spring mornings. Then following this everyone stops what their current topics are and start talking about their early spring mornings. Now the brain dead megaphone has a hold on the group as they laugh and discuss their personal mornings when just a second ago they might have been angry at one another.

This reminds me of what a speaker said at a conference I attended in Redlands. One of the things he said was that if he was to say "dont think about elephants" what do people instantly do? They think of elephants! It seems that everyone is so oblivious when someone steps in and says something random or reverse psychological. Is there any hope for this vast growing disease?

1 comment:

  1. And now when I think of elephants, I think that George Orwell is going to shoot one.


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