Thursday, September 30, 2010

Well, that's just scary

Don’t get me wrong, I like Sci-Fi movies, but I don’t see the need for any of them to become our reality. The idea of computer implants, as predicted by Ray Kurzwell, seems unnecessary. The idea of having a computer in someone’s brain, at first, was fun to toy with, but the reality of this became scary.

Kurzwell argued that the human body will become old-fashioned. People will spend more time in a virtual reality. Virtual realities will become less “virtual”, and become our “real” reality. What is so wrong with our realities now? What is so bad about having to use our phones or computer to access the internet instead of our brains? I know that it would be impossible to stop our progress, but I cannot help but question the reasons for and necessity of these advancements.


  1. it would not matter what the need was. people in our society do many things with out a logical need. what is the need for having a television. there is none. this is where wants come into play. people will want to spend all their lives in a virtual reality becasue it is much more pleasant than reality.

  2. I agree with Ben. There in absolutely no need for media-centered technology. We would simply have computers in our brains because it would be convenient for people to run away into a virtual reality when things get back. But with this we make it a need for a piece of technology to be convenient. Do we really need this technology to function? No, but it would make life simpler.I am also nervous with the progress of convenient technology because even if virtual realities are more pleasant then real realities, it doesn't mean that they are good for us. They can actually harm us as they pull us way from the real world. I think we would cease to exist because of this and we would die out.


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