Thursday, September 16, 2010

Can We Create A Perfect World?

Today in fourth period, Ms. Fletcher said that we could continue with the Socratic Seminar. We had a thorough discussion, tackling this question:

-What does it take to create a genuine utopia? Is it possible? Is it a worthy goal?

Of course, everyone holds their own opinions and ideas. My opinion, however, is that a perfect world is impossible to create. I mean, there is always room for improving our world... but perfect; I don't think so.

Take all of the qualities of a perfect world into consideration. No disease. No suffering. Everyone equal. Those are just a few of the many. How can we get rid of diseases entirely? Is that even possible? In class today, someone mentioned that a possible way to create a disease-free world would be to get rid of people with diseases- to kill them. Think about the families of those being killed. A utopia means everyone is happy. Would you be happy if someone you cared about was killed because they had a disease? Another aspect of a perfect world would be balanced power and equality among all people. No matter how hard we try, there is always someone who wants to take charge. This leads to tyrannical rule, and in turn would steer us from the idea of equality among everyone.

The Socratic Seminar is a good way to see what other people are thinking. However, some people (like me) just don't have the desire to chime in and express what our beliefs are on the spot. And to be honest, it can sometimes be intimidating. That's why I wanted to share my opinion on the blog. Now I am interested in hearing what you guys have to say.

1 comment:

  1. I was recently watching Oprah, which I never do because I find her annoying, but it was a special episode where they went back to a town they did a show in the 80's. A man with Aids jumped into the public swimming pool and the tows people all jumped out and left. The very southern town didnt accept the man or his family because he was gay and had contracted AIDS. In the show Oprah gathered the whole town into an auditorium and the people who lived there could say whatever they wanted. Most people were just being unaccepting and hateful at the mans lifestyle, but this would be expected from a southern state in the 80's.One woman said that God was giving AIDS to gay people because he wasn't ok with their lifestyles. One particularly rude mad stood up and said that all gay people should be placed on an island and the AIDS can kill them off so that the world would be a cleaner place to live. I mention this because of your comment about how to get rid of the sick people. I would have to agree that sending all sick people to die will eventually rid us of disease, but morally and ethically it is the opposite of the right thing to do. One way people could be ok with their ill family members being ripped out of their homes is if the government had the people so brainwashed as to think it is what is best for the citizens to rid their sick family member.You have a point Joey when you ask if it really even possible, according to sci-fi novels and movies, No. We will have to see I guess.


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