Friday, September 10, 2010


Brain dead Mega Phone Man.

He was Loud.

He was hypnotizing.

He was Persuasive.

George Saunders podcast grasped my attention the most because he gave a funny little example of how human psychology works it's magic. Basically, if one is loud enough to over power the voice of all, and shouts how much he loves "early mornings in spring" we tend to listen (As Saunders states.) Which is nothing but the truth, I mean, it's hard not to hear him, so why not listen? So by the end of the conversation that Brain Dead Mega Phone man is having at us, we seemingly become brain washed in a way and reminisce on our experiences of early mornings in spring and find ourselves smiling and loving them. And for some reason Saunders metaphoric example reminded me of a cult. Megaphone man, the cult leader, is not the sharpest crayon in the box nor the most articulate but because he is so loud, it makes what he's saying important even though it obviously isn't. Early mornings in spring...not important. So if this cult leader is telling us non relevant things we tend to think vapidly, and when we think vapidly, we become vapid. I can recall a few moments in my life when I've agreed with someone just because they are "famous" or "superior", has this ever happened to you?

Do you think it's inevitable, or do you think someone somewhere could be indifferent to this?

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree with what your saying. I too have caught myself agreeing with something very vapid because of their fame. I'm sure alot of people have felt this way or agreed to something stupid just because it come from someone with "importantance". Now that I give it more thought, we might just follow the "cult" because we don't want to be the outsiders, we want to be in the group, the click, the crowd so we won't be look down opon becaue we think differently than the "leader".


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