Sunday, June 13, 2010

Politics Are Becoming Absorbed in the Media

I'm only on Chapter 1: The Medium is the Metaphor, and I've already found some information that shocked me. Politics aren't what they used to be; and though I'd already realized this, I didn't comprehend the true issue. Yes, though us teens don't really pay attention to politics anymore-Facebook is way more important, of course-we are all still aware that they aren't making the best choices out in the White House. Now, this may be a far-fetched idea, but could it be because America is only choosing handsome, or at least slightly decent-looking, people for the most crucial jobs in government?
As Postman says on page 4, "we may have reached the point where cosmetics has replaced ideology as the field of expertise over which a politician must have competent control". Basically, Schwarzeneggers' are being placed where Clintons' and Kennedys' should be instead. When society gets to the point where even politicians need to be surrounded by makeup artists, something is obviously wrong. Now my question is: does the public recognize this, or are they just choosing to ignore it?


  1. I see what you're getting at, but I think you have to look at it both ways. Yes, "Cosmetics has replaced ideology as the field of expertise" but who's going to listen to a "boring" Clinton or a "dull" Kennedy? We want to see glamorized, beautiful, familiar, movie glamorous people, not your average "Joe". Yes, we should be going to the brains over looks but we are more likely to listen to a handsome looker than an old, normal person, even if they don't make any sense because hey--they're "cool" they're "beauties!" (And I think the public will go to any length to avoid the ordinary!) In my opinion, it's all a popularity contest these days. But you bring up a tantalizing question. The public is fully aware but is going into a path of ignorance. It's a whole new world than what it used to be.

  2. I understand what you're saying and I personally think that the public doesn't realize what they're acknowledging. We, as the people who are so immensely immersed in media, don't notice anymore. We judge because that is what we know how to do best. I think that in this society the people WILL choose beauty over brains, but I also think that somewhere there are still people who are willing to judge based on the abilities of the said politician. We may judge without noticing but we also acknowledge the line between success and utter failure. The politician running maybe the ugliest person to ever look at on the face of the Earth but if his ideas will surely lead America forwards then of course the public will vote for him, even if he was up against a perfect plastic Barbie doll. If the idiot Barbie's going to dig a grave and push the country into it, even if she is beautiful being ignorant can only blind you so much. The public will vote for the better choice because then it stops becoming a judging factor, it starts to shift towards what they actually need.

  3. We've become a dumbed down society, it's unfortunate. I don't think the public votes for the prettiest politician, but votes for whom they think they can identify with, whether said politician is truly what they act like or not. People voted for President Obama because many young people identified with him and a new liberal wave of progress and people voted for Bush because some identified with his conservative, republican, and "down home" roots (he even talked with his southern accent). It may come a time where the public will vote in politicians who they think they can identify with while completely ignoring what they bring to the table. Unfortunately I don't think many people realize this is a slippery path down and if they don't realize it soon, this country won't be able to climb back up.

  4. This is insane, the fact that we are choosing beauty over brains politically is extremly shocking to me. I know that beauty matters alot now a days, I know that for famous people they have to have the talent AND look good, but I would have never guessed it was this bad to where even the people helping run America have to look good. I personally think in cases like running the country, looks should be the least of concerns. I speak for myself in saying that I would rather have an ugly man or woman who knows what he/she is doing than a handsome goodlooking man/woman who has no idea of what is going on. I also see and understand what Breahna is stating. It is true that maybe if they were better looking it would catch more attention of everyone to want to listen to what he/she has to say, but there are other ways to entertain the crowd. Just like there can be ugly comedians/actors/singers that we enjoy watching or listening to I think there can be an ugly president who can get everyones attention doing his job right and doing what is truly best for everyone.


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