Friday, June 18, 2010

Egg Surrogacy

When you kids get to Brave New World, and you're touring through the Central London Hatchery and Conditioning Centre with the Director, please think about this little news clip, which was on the radio program The World: Egg Surrogacy. A gay Israeli man purchased an egg from a Caucasian woman in the US, shipped the egg to India for implantation in the womb of an Indian woman, and when the baby was born, he flew to India and picked up his child.

1 comment:

  1. The parallels between the two are quite scary. The process of pregnancy isn't personal anymore in these cases. What happened to being there with your significant other through the nine months watching the stomach grow healthfully developing new life?
    In Brave New World they place the eggs and sperm in a vat to create fertilized eggs, and then the rest of the process is carried out on a conveyor belt through the plant. The whole thing became mechanic rather than organic, and this loss of a personal relationship between parent and child is scary to see in the real world.
    Now I'm not condemning surrogate parents. Everyone has their reasons after all. I just think this process across continents is excessive, and that it shows that the process of fertilization in Brave New World isn't as ridiculous or distant as it may seem.


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