Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Ms. Fletcher, Question #1

Throughout the Summer Homework Packet, it shows and explains five assignments. The only thing that confused me was that on the back it shows an extra assignment titled "Politics and the English Language", it says it is an annotated article aside from the annotated webography. I need clarity on this.


  1. Thanks for the question, Daniel.

    Here on the blog, there's a link to the article "Politics and the English Language" by George Orwell. I want you to read and annotate that article.

    How do I annotate?, you may be asking yourself. What is it?? You may check Wikipedia if you would like a description of what annotation means,, and there is a link here also called "Help with Annotation."

    Once you've looked at all of that...all you are doing with Orwell is MARKING UP the article as you read, writing in the margin, asking questions about it. Annotation is a practice that facilitates close and careful reading. It is an active reading strategy...rather than simply letting your eyes pass over text, you are thinking, writing, arguing, interrogating the text. It is a large part of my curriculum in both the junior and senior years...I know that annotation helps us comprehend and remember what we read.

  2. Thanks for the clarification! So we have to annotate the whole article right?


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