Friday, October 22, 2010

Texting While Driving

This has absolutely nothing to do with anything we've talked about for a long time, if at all, but I figure I might as well show it. I came across a video about "texting while driving" today during my internet surfing. It's rather graphic, though it is a dramatization. It was released as a PSA by Wales and one of the points the newsanchor brings up is what should be allowed on national/public television and what shouldn't. Do you think it is too graphic? Or do you think it really makes a provocative statement that will grab peoples attention?
This is the "safe" version "" and this is the full version "".
I personally think it brings up a good point about how something as simple and stupid as a little text could ruin many different lives and that that one little text can wait.

1 comment:

  1. I definitelty agree with you Melissa. Although I don't drive, I sometimes text while biking and I'm sure the same thing could happen. Sure, the video is pretty graphic, but telling people not do something won't stop them. You've got to show them the possible consequences so that they realize that a text can wait a few more minutes. I mean, is it really that important to risk your life to say "lol" ?


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