Sunday, October 10, 2010

Chatroom Honesty

So the following is a snippet of a facebook chat me and Joaquim had the other day. Surprisingly, this is actually a common thing between us. Talking politics all the time. We're both leftists, but to different degrees. Just thought it'd be interesting to see how others thought about this as most teenagers don't really talk politics these days.

welcome back homie
yeah i think ima do a fox news person for my columnist
go for it
maybe it will enlighten you
and youll end up turning into a republican
maybe then you will see that im right
and we need a revolution in progressivism
and elitism is bad
i know that republicanism is bad
im not changing
although i am a moderate liberal so i do believe in some republican ideals
like strong immigration control
hm i think you gotta be some what controlling with immigration
its just logical
we cant support millions of immigrants
but like i was explaining to my sister
after watching hotel rwanda
we dont have the ability to support their social welfare there just arnt enough resources jobs and such
what i was saying was after watching hotel rwanda, i explained to her that we culdn't have saved all those people
by bringing us military in because we can't just support millions of africans
they're are genocides all around africa we can't save them all
no no no
quang thats realistic
im a f*#%ing realist!
but its hipocracy
if the American republicans
who think that america is like the shit
and they can justify a major military operation in iraq and the rest of the middle east and this "war on terrorism" which is turning out to be a war on islam
then should be able to justify a military movement into rwanda to stop genocide
the fact is that our government
is all about money
if we had some sort of economic interest in rwanda that was threatened they would have swooped in
just like in the middle east
oil oil oil
if the allies lost
americans would never be payed back those billions of dollars they loaned to the british french and italians
and i think that even if democrats take over
it would still be the same
it would be better for social welfare
but like thats just the way our society is
what was the word postman used?

lol okay
what was i going to say?
but yeah in 1993 black hawk down, that entire mission was compltely humanitarian
and 10 people died
thats why America rarely deals with african affairs anymore


  1. Quang, you are such a hipster. Joaquim, you're almost of Quang's level of hipsterness, but not quite. Maybe you should buy a vintage sweater vest.

    Kidding. I like to tease you both. I thought your conversation was interesting.

  2. Gentlemen, we don't curse in public. The chat room may be private, but the blog post is public.

    For further information, see "style-shifting" in everybody's first glance e-reference:

  3. Having said that, let me also add that I LOVE it, love love love it, that you think about this and discuss it.

  4. Have to agree. The honest cursing added to the effect. Kind of gives me faith in how Facebook might be used.


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