As truth changes as the media modifies it (according to Postman in chapter 2), the media also modifies our perception of beauty and fashion. What is beautiful to you? An hourglass figure, a sharp face, with chic clothes to match? In medieval times, to be a nice, plump, round woman was the craze. In those days when food was scarce, it was "sexy" for a woman to have enough to eat. Today as food is abundant, women who exercise self-control with their eating habits and watch their figure to obtain a toned figure is the ideal perception of physical beauty. These days, whoever is the #1 actress sets the precedent for a beautiful woman. I mean, what guy wouldn't like to say that their girlfriend looked like Megan Fox?
"I mean, what guy wouldn't like to say that their girlfriend looked like Megan Fox"
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I do not think it is safe to say that every male would love to date an actress like Megan Fox. At least this is my understanding of your post. I am almost 100% sure there are many men in this world who do not find thin women with a toned figure attractive. Not everyone has the same views or opinions of the ideal man or woman. As long as the person you plan on spending the rest of your life with respects you and makes you feel valuable and important, that is more than enough. Should there even be a definition to the world beauty? In my opinion, I love variety and differences among people. These differences make a person unique in his or her own way. Imagine a world with everyone intending to look similar because of something we were programmed to believe, due to watching so much advertising and television. To be truthful, I do not worry much about my appearance. But then again, there is nothing wrong with getting in shape and being healthy. And remember, what really counts is in the heart.
I personally believe in the well known quote "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder." You can not put a label on beauty because there is no definite definition for it. You view beauty could drasitcally vary from mine because there is no one form. A perfect example of this would be a Tyra show episode that i saw. Tyra got women in all shape and sizes put them in central park and had people go around and choose who was the most attractive.At the end of the experiment they could not pick a winner because every person had chose differently on who the thought was beautiful. These women varied from skinny to big, short to tall. For me it would be impossible to say who i thought was beautiful because beauty is more then skin deep.
ReplyDeleteI like Rickell's post. I also think beauty has many forms, but it can be sort of defined. As in, to be beautiful you'd have to see more than looks, you'd have to see into someone's soul. Otherwise, it is just called cute or pretty. That's all outside characteristics. But I think the term beauty is quite underrated. As for deciding who's pretty and who's not? Who cares?! The answer: Television cares. and since it is part of our culture, We care.
ReplyDeleteTo sort of go back to one of Mark's points, it is likely that food decided who was pretty back then and now it is television. This is a more comical opinion than a serious one. An ending statement: I don't agree with the term 'physical beauty'; it just shows how underrated the term 'beauty' has become. *Fact: I've never seen Beauty and the Beast so I wonder how I could have implemented that movie here. (Would I be in favor or disagree?)
I think when a man wants their girlfriend to look like Megan Fox, they think sexually, not long-term. Megan Fox is really hot and when guys think that, don't they think of her naked or think of what they could do to her at some point? C'mon guys, I may be speaking out of term here because I am not a guy but why would you want her "looks" rather than her personality? Why didn't you say, "I mean, what guy wouldn't like to say that their girlfriend has the personality of Megan Fox"? Because if that was the case, I'm pretty sure no guy would want her. Because looks tend to fade away and their true self tends to pop to the surface, which always isn't so lovely.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Rickell as well, also. "Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder." What I think is beautiful today may not be as beautiful to me the next day, Mark. But you are right. Exercise is "in" now, thinness is in now and many girls think thin is attractive but not many males. People who know me know I am pretty thin, but if you know me even better, you know I eat everything, anything, all things all the time! My mom always says when I get older my metabolism is going to die and I'm going to get fat, but she may see it as fat while others may see it as...pneumatic.
ReplyDeleteHaha well Breahna before a guy talks to a girl he makes sure that they are in someway attractive and vice versa for girls I assume. Its just how people have been since the beginning of time. But believe it or not guys do look at how they act and their personality so its not all about "body". For example there could be this beautiful girl but if she is stuck up or annoying, we would rather go with a girl who is down to earth.
ReplyDeleteNow just because a guy thinks about a girl sexually, it doesn't mean that a guy will just hit-it-and-quit-it. You're just stereotyping a whole gender. As a guy, myself, I would want a girlfriend who I'm physically attracted to, but I also want her to have a mind and be a genuine, caring, funny person. Just because someone is attractive, doesn't mean they don't have a mind. Just because someone "looks" smart, doesn't necessarily mean they are. As the saying goes (I don't really know how it goes, but it's something like this), LOOKS capture your attention, PERSONALITY will keep someone's love interest over the long term.
ReplyDeleteWhat my post was about, was the element of attraction that will CAPTURE someone's attention... and that is APPEARANCE. It sounds superficial and pnematic, but it's the TRUTH: the truth of today, controlled by the media.
I strongly agree with everyone.
ReplyDeleteExcept...I have something to say also about this topic...
Mark, you say what you would like in a girlfriend... and you say that we are stereotyping your gender... but don't you think every guy is different?
And, maybe some guys out there really are only looking for a girl just for their looks, just so they can hit-it and quit-it.
And guys always say that they like a girl for more than just their looks and body right?...well how come (if that's true) that side of the guy doesn't really show in the relationship??
Like for example, there's this couple and their names are...Joe and...Casie(not a couple in real life)...anyways joe treats casie like he loves her and she does the same because she is really in love with him..well whenever joe is with his friends and casie comes up he ignores her and just treats her like a she thinks he doesn't really love her..and joe is always talking to casie bout what she is wearing and if they can hang out so he can be all over her...
If I were Casie I would think that guy would only love me for my body...But he denies that...
So what is the girl suppossed to believe if the guy thinks he's being respectful but really isn't?
ReplyDeletesorry I rambled on a little too much.
Looks like Casie needs to either be single for find someone who will respect her.
ReplyDeleteGenerally, a guy wouldn't want a girlfriend who cheats on him, is as daft as a kindergartener, or is extremely rude, if the guy is looking for love and not a temporary fix. I'm no stereotyping men; I'm speaking logically. This applies to both "good" guys, "bad" guys, and everything in between.